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A unique way to safeguard your device from intruders

A unique way to safeguard your device from intruders

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Program license: Free

Version: 1.4

Works under: Android


Program license

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  • Innovative lock options (Hours and Minutes, Date and Month, Battery PIN)
  • Intruder detection captures photos of unauthorized access attempts
  • Changes lock combinations dynamically for improved security


  • No fingerprint scanning or facial recognition support
  • Maintenance and stability issues reported by some users

Enhanced Security with Innovative Lock Mechanisms

Ultra Lock - App Lock & Vault is a potent privacy tool designed by Mirage Stacks, aiming to fortify the security of personal data on mobile devices. With its advanced locking methods, the app promises to keep prying eyes away from your apps and private information.

Diverse Locking Options for Enhanced Protection

One of the standout features of Ultra Lock is its array of locking mechanisms that go beyond the basic password and pattern methods. The Hours and Minutes PIN is particularly innovative, changing the PIN dynamically based on the current time. This means every minute presents a new lock combination, increasing security and peace of mind for the user. For those preferring a less frequent change, the Date and Month PIN changes the lock combination daily in sync with the calendar. Additionally, there's the Battery PIN option which cleverly sets the device's current battery level as the PIN, adding an unpredictable element to device security.

Taking Security a Step Further with Intruder Detection

To boost its security credentials, Ultra Lock incorporates an Intruder Detection feature that snaps a photo with the front-facing camera whenever an unauthorized attempt to unlock a protected app is made. This function is essential for identifying unwanted access and adds an additional layer of security for users.

Lacking Biometric Integration

While Ultra Lock offers several creative PIN alternatives, it does fall short in the biometrics department. Unlike some of its contemporaries, Ultra Lock does not support fingerprint scanning or facial recognition, which are becoming standard features in modern privacy applications. This may deter users who are looking for a more hands-off, seamless security experience.

User Feedback Indicates the Need for Polish

Certain users have reported technical issues with the app, indicating that there might be room for improvement in terms of stability and performance. Recurrent glitches can undermine user trust and the overall effectiveness of security apps, suggesting that Ultra Lock might require further development to iron out these kinks.

Deciding on Ultra Lock - App Lock & Vault

In summary, Ultra Lock is a commendable option for securing mobile applications, especially with its dynamic and creative PIN options. These features certainly enhance the security level by minimizing the chances of unauthorized access through predictable codes. However, the lack of biometric features may make it less appealing to tech-savvy users or those wishing for convenience and quick access through fingerprint or facial recognition.


  • Innovative lock options (Hours and Minutes, Date and Month, Battery PIN)
  • Intruder detection captures photos of unauthorized access attempts
  • Changes lock combinations dynamically for improved security


  • No fingerprint scanning or facial recognition support
  • Maintenance and stability issues reported by some users